Our Story


Humble Beginnings

In 2016, our community was conceived as an informal gathering of lay people in Hamilton who were inspired by St Maria’s devotion to the least fortunate during the deeply troubled times of the Second World War.

We began by organizing opportunities to contribute to our community and by gathering regularly for communal prayer and fellowship.

The fruits of our prayer, fellowship, and contribution made it clear that a new mission was ready to be born.


Formal Establishment

With the prayers, guidance, and blessing of our beloved Archbishop Irénée our mission was formally established on July 20th, 2020 when we all received the Eucharist together on the feast day of our patroness, St Maria of Paris.

Rooted in Tradition - Growing in Faith

Since then, we continue to hold fast to the tradition handed down to us—the faith of the apostles, the prayers of the saints, the worship of the Church—while always looking ahead to how we live it out, both personally and as a community. Ever ancient, ever new, we walk forward in faith, carrying the light of Christ into the future.